How to place a bet on Belmont Stakes?


  1. Login at
  2. On the clubhouse (first page that opens) click on the Belmont Stakes icon.
  3. Click on Bet Now Belmont Stakes (the running horse). It will take you to the Belmont Park, race 11 to bet on the Belmont Stakes.
  4. For a Straight wager, you will need to write in the amount you want to risk for Win, Place, or Show. If you are doing an Exotic wager, you will see the box to input the bet amount and you can also select your picks
  5. Once you are sure, click on ADD TO BET SLIP.
  6. You will see the BET SLIP on the right hand side (or the top on the phone version).
  7. Review your bets and click on PLACE BET. This will post your wager and you will receive a ticket number.

If you are not sure if the bets were properly placed, you can review your Open Bets in this same section.

Another way to do it:

  1. Login at
  2. Go to the Racing section
  3. On the left hand side, you will see a list of the available tracks, next race and post time.
  4. Click on the track you would like, you will see a list of the races for the day. The next race is selected automatically, but you can select any other race.
  5. Select the bet type. The available bets can vary depending on the track.
  6. For a Straight wager, you will need to write in the amount you want to risk for Win, Place, or Show. If you are doing an Exotic wager, you will see the box to input the bet amount and you can also select your picks
  7. Once you are sure, click on ADD TO BET SLIP.
  8. You will see the BET SLIP on the right hand side (or the top on the phone version).
  9. Review your bets and click on PLACE BET. This will post your wager and you will receive a ticket number.

If you are not sure if the bets were properly placed, you can review your Open Bets in this same section